May the forest
be with you

If the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s the importance of going outside. It has intensified the need to escape the narrow, hectic surroundings and the urge to freely move and breathe in nature. It has also shown us the need to take care of nature and ourselves. Coincidentally that’s exactly what WAO does. 


Outdoor education

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
- Benjamin Franklin

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High Fens - Hoge Venen

The High Fens are part of the Nature Park High Fens - Eifel. The area covers about 4500 hectares and is located in the highest area of Belgium with peaks of just under 700m. At this altitude, you will find open moorlands and fens and dense pine forests that characterize the area. What many people don't know is that several beautiful rivers are flowing from this landscape, forming vast valleys that run around the plateau like a horseshoe through eternity.


Leave no trace…

Liefde en respect voor de natuur. Dat is de basis van elk WAO-avontuur. We nemen je mee op ontdekking en we doen dat steeds op de meest duurzame wijze. Leave no trace is de rode draad. Dat je geen afval achterlaat is vanzelfsprekend en maar één facet van duurzaamheid. We kamperen en wandelen met zo min mogelijke impact op de omgeving. Onze producten kopen we lokaal. We zijn partner van Natagora vzw en lid van Les Amis de la Fagne.

